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Voorafgaande berichten


Voorafgaande berichten: Official Nintendo Magazine - The Sims 3 3DS. [ Weergave uitklappen ]

Official Nintendo Magazine - The Sims 3 3DS.

The ONM (Official nintendo Magazine) heeft een review online gezet van The Sims 3 op 3DS. Ze zijn niet erg postitief, en hebben het 20 % (Een 2 dus) gegeven.

Lees hieronder een deel van de review:

Instead these are replaced with pithy little 'moodlets' that simply pop up just as things are about to go horribly badly. As a result you have no idea how hungry your Sim is until you get a message telling you they're absolutely starving and you don't know how clean they are until there's literally green stink clouds coming off them.
This would be manageable if two or more of these dilemmas didn't happen at the same time but you're regularly told out of the blue that your Sim is starving, bursting and exhausted at the same time.
Lees de volledige review Hier.
